Universal Healthcare for All

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The Matilda Smart Mirror

An integrated technology resource for biomedical data capture and health analysis. Read temperature, identify visible symptoms of underlying health conditions, and provide data-driven biofeedback in minutes.


Open a World of Healthcare Possibilities



Matilda leverages in-the-moment diagnostics to provide necessary health equipment to people where they are. Ideal as a workplace resource for essential employees.


Empower workplaces with health data, inform users about key health decisions, and support workers onsite using smart data capture and Protective Personal Equipment.


Matilda’s progressive machine-learning system is constantly updating health officials and policy-makers about public health concerns. From local issues to global trends, Matilda can unlock better decision-making at any level.

Home Health Concierge

It’s safer to stay at home! Matilda’s patented Smart Mirrors give you real-time insights into your health and support your lifestyle throughout the day.

Matilda Resources

Matilda’s network of devices, combined with research and clinical partners, creates a comprehensive picture of public health and can equip governments, employers, and healthcare officials to make better decisions faster.

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